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Ceramic Tile Done Wright

Ceramic Tile for Floors, Walls, and Countertops. There’s such an array of ceramic tile on the market – at such a wide range of prices – it’s often hard to decide which is better for your home. Some basic information will help you choose the proper tile for your needs.

Ceramic Tile Construction

The construction of a ceramic tile is quite simple. The bisque is the body of the tile, made of clay. The glaze is colored glass, which provides the design and surface finish of the tile. These two components become permanently melted together in the firing process. Looking at the back of a tile, you’ll see that some tiles have darker bisque than others. These are “red body” tiles . . . as opposed to those with a “white body.” They are simply different kinds of clay chosen to produce a certain visual effect; there is no difference in performance. You may also find some tiles labeled as “glazed porcelain” that have a stronger, denser and less porous bisque than typical ceramic tile.


Ceramic tiles are made to suit different applications: mainly floors, walls and countertops. There are three types, recommended for indoor use only.

Floor tiles are suitable for any room in your home. Kitchen tile countertops are a beautiful complement to ceramic tile floors, wall tile displays, or ceramic tile in hallways and foyers. Many styles are even appropriate for commercial applications.

Unlike floor tiles, wall tiles are suitable for walls only. Made lighter in weight for better adherence and simpler installation, they are not designed to withstand foot traffic.


It takes high-quality tile to make high-quality ceramic tile floors, wall tile applications, and countertops. Recognizing the signs of lesser-quality tile will help you avoid making a poor choice.

You may see picture framing, when the design doesn’t go all the way to the edge of a tile.

Poorly printed designs may appear fuzzy or unclear, and undesirable spots in the surface of the tile indicate that small holes developed in the printing screen during manufacturing. These are indications of old silkscreen applications.

Finally, a dark line running through the edge of the tile – known as a black core – indicates impurities in the clay that can weaken the tile.


Several factors contribute to the final price of ceramic tile: the originality and quality of the artistry; the complexity of the manufacturing process; and the precision of the visual image.

Higher-priced tile should generally provide a more detailed execution of originality. In other words, your eyes and aesthetic sense should tell you if the tile is worth it.

After you’ve decided on the ceramic tile’s function, quality and the price range you need, what’s most important to your final decision is how well the tile expresses your vision of home.

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